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Android App Development
76 Hours Certification Training Course

Learn From Industry Experts

* Only Limited Slots Per Batch

* No Prior Coding Experience Required

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76 Hours

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Overview of this Certification Course

This course is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills required to develop Android applications. Starting from the fundamentals of Android development, participants will progress through intermediate and advanced topics, gaining hands-on experience through practical exercises and projects. By the end of the course, participants will have the expertise to create their own Android apps from scratch.

Prerequisites of this Course

Course objectives

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Course Curriculum

Chapter 1 Introduction to Android Development: 4-6 hours:

  • Overview of the Android platform

  • Setting up the development environment (Android Studio, SDK)

  • Understanding the Android project structure

Chapter 2 Java/Kotlin Fundamentals for Android: 10-12 hours:

  • Basics of Java/Kotlin programming language


  • Data types, variables, and operators


  • Control flow and loops


  • Object-oriented programming concepts

Chapter 3 User Interface Design: 8-10 hours:

  •  UI components and layouts


  • Handling user input events


  • Creating responsive layouts with ConstraintLayout


  • Material Design principles

Chapter 4 Activities and Fragments: 6-8 hours:

  • Understanding Activities and their lifecycle


  • Fragment lifecycle and usage


  • Navigation between Activities and Fragments

Chapter 5 Working with Resources 4-6 hours:

  • Managing app resources (layouts, strings, images)


  • Localization and supporting multiple languages

Chapter 6 Data Storage and Retrieval: 8-10 hours:

  • Using SharedPreferences for simple data storage


  • Working with SQLite databases


  • File storage and retrieval

Chapter 7 Networking and Web Services 8-10 hours:

  • Making network requests using Retrofit


  • Parsing JSON responses


  • Handling network errors and asynchronous operations

Chapter 8 Multimedia and Content Providers: 6-8 hours:

  •  Working with images and media files


  • Integrating camera and gallery functionalities


  • Content Providers for accessing and sharing data

Chapter 9 Publishing Your App: 4-6 hours:

  • Preparing your app for release


  • Creating a developer account on Google Play Console


  • Uploading and publishing your app on the Google Play Store

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*Initial one-to-one consultation, Health & Fitness Assasments Bespoke training program planing, Custom Nutrition plan & recipes. Weekly Progress Reviews

*Initial one-to-one consultation, Health & Fitness Assasments Bespoke training program planing, Custom Nutrition plan & recipes. Weekly Progress Reviews

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